Driving Directions:

Trailhead and parking area are on Rt. 2 in Shelburne, NH. The large parking area is on the south side of the road, 3.5 miles east of Rt. 16 and 5.6 miles west of the Maine border.

About the Hike:

This seldom-visited waterfall on the Rattle River is composed of three small waterslides in sequence, flowing through a carved rock chute into a deep pool. The pool offers excellent swimming opportunities on a hot day. From the parking area, begin hiking on Rattle River Trail. The trail heads out into the forest at easy grades, following Rattle River. In 0.3 miles, the trail joins a snowmobile trail, which comes in from a bridge over the river. The trail ascends gradually, and the snowmobile trail diverges to the left in another 0.3 miles. The trail then crosses a small, ledgy brook and continues climbing. High above the river, it continues one mile to Rattle River Shelter. Directly beside the building, look for an unmarked path on the right. It leads down to a large pool in the river and turns right, following the boundary of a revegetation area down to the water slides and pool.


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